What can auto loan refinancing do for your credit? Refinancing your auto loan can significantly reduce the rate you are paying and save you a lot of money that you can use to pay off the debt that is making your credit rating sink, in the first place. Bad credit auto refinancing companies pay off your current car loan, and then restructure the amount you still owe to be more manageable.
How long does it take? Most companies can process your loan in as little as two working days, but it could take you a good one to two weeks to get everything in order if you cannot produce the documentary requirements right away.
How much will you save? Thousand of dollars per year. Let’s say that you are currently paying off an auto loan worth $16,000 at 21 percent interest rate. This means that your monthly amortization is around $400 or more over 60 months. When you refinance to a 6-percent-per-annum deal, your monthly amortization could go down to $300 or less. You save at least $100 monthly, or $1,200 a year, or $6,000 in 60 months.
Will auto loan refinancing be good for you? Probably. If you are one of the many people who pay more than 3% APR on a car loan, then you should definitely consider refinancing. It’s easy to see why. Even just one percent deducted from your current interest rate can translate to hundreds of dollars in savings per year! Take time to do some simple math, and you’ll be amazed at how much money you can save just by applying for auto loan refinancing. It’s time you took charge. After all, it is your money.
Bad Credit Auto Loans provides detailed information on Bad Credit Auto Loans, Bad Credit Auto Loan Financing, Bad Credit Auto Loan Refinancing, Bad Credit Auto Loan Online and more. Bad Credit Auto Loans is affiliated with Bad Credit Car Loan Rates.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Josh_Riverside